Tattoo Studio Spotlight:
Inner Self Tattoo Studio
Taylor Grayson
August 2014
The art of tattoos is an age-old trade and people across the ages have marked their bodies to express their individuality. Today.ie caught up with Patrik, owner of Inner Self Tattoo Studio in Dublin and talked about the atmosphere of Inner Self and the world of tattoos.
What is the mission of Inner Self Tattoo Studio?
I wouldn’t call it a mission but I can say I’m proud that in the age of celebrity-tattoos and scratchers in kitchens Inner Self is truly dedicated to the art of tattooing and make personal and quality tattoos in a friendly environment.
How would you say that Inner Self is different from other tattoo studios?
All studios are unique. Inner Self is definitely the most chilled out one I’ve ever been to and many of our costumers say the same. In several studios you will find arrogant rockstar wannabes looking for your money, that’s very far from the spirit of Inner Self.
What do you look for when taking on a new tattoo artist?
I’m not hiring at the moment but I believe a tattoo artist should be friendly, trustworthy and must have the dedication and enthusiasm towards arts and tattooing. Everything else comes after these things.
How long have you been tattooing?
I’m tattooing since 2005 and I’m making a living of it since 2008. I had the honour to work for Johnny Eagle whose father opened the very first studio in the country in the sixties. They were the only tattoo artists in Ireland for many years. I also worked for Johnny’s last apprentice, Eddie “The Bull” O’Connor at Crazy Cats Tattoos and I can thank a lot to these artists.
How long have you been with Inner Self?
I opened Inner Self in the summer of 2012. One year later the shop moved to the basement of The Grafton Barbers on Carysfort Avenue in Blackrock which proved to be a good decision.
Why did you become a tattoo artist?
I was always into drawing and rock / metal music, so all my idols were tattooed. Plus the idea of wearing art on my skin for the rest of my life really got me. From the moment of the very first pinch of the needle in my skin I just knew that I’m in love and I have to do this.
What advice would you give first-time tattoo goers?
First of all, be sure about your tattoo. It’s gonna be there for the rest of your life, don’t get one only because your friends or all the cool kids have one. Don’t get it for somebody else: you won’t own anything more in your life than whats on your skin, be proud of it and make it personal.
It’s very important to have a look at the artist’s work before you get tattooed. The mate of your friend’s mate who is deadly and cheap but tattooing in his mother’s kitchen surrounded by dishes and a cute cat might not be the best choice. You risk your health (even life) and that you will have a bad tattoo which later you will hide, cover with a bigger one or get it lasered off which will take more pain, time and money. It just doesn’t worth it. Also, he/she might be a cool person tattooed head to toe but that doesn’t necessary means he/she can tattoo.
On the practical side: make sure you rested enough and have a proper meal before getting tattooed. Alcohol might make you braver (and smellier) but it thins your blood, which means the ink will get into your skin harder and the whole process will take longer and the artwork won’t be as nice. There is no point in that: if you want to get tattooed, get tattooed sober and enjoy the experience of getting a design by your choice for the rest of your life on your body.
Why do you believe tattoos are important?
I would rather say it’s amazing that humans have an option to mark their bodies permanently with a technology which allows to create art on skin, altering appearance. A beautiful added bonus is that the number of the possibilities what these pieces can express and mean is basically infinite. In that sense tattooing is a very unique and remarkable art, so I would say that’s why it’s important.
Do you agree with the statement that tattoos are addictive?
Definitely, it’s hard to stop, especially if you are happy with the ones you already have. There are so many great designs and ideas out there. It’s not a general rule though, for example I got my first one exactly 15 years ago and I’m still not heavily tattooed, even though I’m in the business since 9 years and I obviously love tattoos.
Are there any favorite tattoos that your staff remember?
All tattoos are special in a way, I personally like the ones with deep meaning, personal background or which are changing the person’s appereance in a good way. I love to do any type of work which makes me and the costumer happy because at the end of the day that’s what counts.